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When you come to realize that your life is not just your own, you begin to understand and discover gentleness, kindness, love and nurturing.

When someone is gently placed in front of you, as a reflection of who you are, to your depths, it can be overwhelming, but is also an eye opening experience that you will never be able to turn away from.

Alahna spent most of her days running through which drastic measure she would have to take next, due to the relentless battle she faced with her three children’s father. A vicious cycle, if you will.  Life was lacking something very vital, and she was just as relentless to find the missing link. She grew up with a big family, spent most of her time helping out around the house, and often watched over her siblings. Her parents were there, but often disregarded the fact that they had children to care for.

Alahna left home the day after she turned 18. There was a big part of her that stayed behind, as she was experiencing an emptiness and distance between her and her siblings. School was no longer as big of a necessity as leaving home for the sake of her own sanity, but she missed her brother and two sister deeply. In a way she felt much like a mama to them, and worried about their well being after she was gone.

She left everything behind that night. The car drove off and disappeared into the horizon, as her mother watched, wondering if she would be back at 11:00. Something deep inside told her, just around the corner, the car had turned was a big change awaiting for her daughter. And, she could see the determination in her daughters eyes, clearly. As her heart fell to the floor, just as the car was out of sight, she knew she had to let her daughter go.

Leann was a straight A student, and spent most of her time studying, doing homework and helping her parents. She had two younger brothers that reeked rebellion, but she wasn’t interested in getting into trouble, she loved her brothers, but knew that there had to be at least one person that graduated from High school, even if she was almost 9 months pregnant. With the baby coming, it was all the more reason for her to get her act together immediately.

Being married, with child at such a young age wasn’t easy but she was determined to make it work. Making it work was her only hope, and the only leg she had to stand on. She knew, in the end, it was only herself that she had to count on. Her trip from the busy city to the country looked more appealing as each day passed, and something seemed to drive and push her towards that move. It’s always been in the back of her mind, but lately it’s been a nagging necessity.

Leann and Alahna  are both headed for something neither one of them see coming. The fate in the stars has chosen them to find spiritual strength and happiness in each other. The connection is so strong, that it becomes a journey of hope, and sisterhood. A bond unbreakable by even the darkest powers.

To be published soon.

All rights reserved: Copyrights by: Amber M. Royse 2014

As women, we need to empower each other, and lift one another up.

Star Sisters

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